Monday, October 26, 2009

Very Special Arts - Special Art Monday class

I had volunteered in VSA for a term, taught in the following term and then worked there full-time as a project assistant for 3 months. Due to conflict of interest, I must stop teaching the class when I started working full-time there.

Really miss this class of special kids. They are between 6 - 15 years old with DS (down syndrome), ID (Intellectually Disabled) and Autism, all with very cute personalities. A typical class session will be like this:

Jiang Ker will laugh very loud in the class while Wei Kang will scold him with "Shut Up!" and Vivian, the cutest 6 year old girl will try to imitate either Jiang Ker or Wei Kang. Samatha is very quiet and independant at work, but once she get out of her seat, she will hop like a kangaroo. Judith, the little princess will keep coming to me either giving me a very tight hug or kiss on my cheeks. Hahaha...

A pasta seahorse with a big smiley tummy by Samantha.

Judith's monster has so many eyes!

There is always this "dancing & happy" feeling in Samantha's works.

Weixuan's octopus

Wenhui wants to be an illustrator when she grows up. She's very smart girl.
She learnt French from a language CD and tried to speak French to one of our French artist.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Teaching Philosophy

like sitting posture, respecting others artworks and cleaning and taking care of the art materials. By instilling good habits, children will learn to be independent and responsible in whatever they do, not just in art.

of students’ artworks. Meaning that the teacher will not do any touch-up on the students’ completed work unneccessarily (at most 10%). Art is a personal learning experience about yourself and your surroundings and it should be enjoyable. I expect my students to learn and apply concepts and skills, but I do not expect them to create “beautiful” outcomes in the end.